SOFTWARE (Wev Devoloper of WIPRO)
Indira Gandhi National Youth Computer Saksharata Mission (IGNYCSM) is an autonomous institute (National Programme of Information technology Education & Development ) registered under the Public Charitable trust act, registration No--IV 190300205, West Bengal, Govt. of India. This institute is also affiliated unit of of Society for Integrated Development and Social Action (SIDSA) registered under society registration act XXVI 1961, registration No-S/60461 . This Society is also registered under Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt. Of India and registered under 12 AA and 80 G under IT Act, Govt. of India. This society is also registered under FCRA Act (Foreign Contribution Regulation Act-1976). IGNYCSM is also ISO 9001:2008 Certified Institution accreated by Joint Accreditationtion System Australia and New Zealand (JAS-ANZ).